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Greetings! Thanks for watching International Services! My name is Newhite. We have this week's news selections for you. Dog’s Ugly Pageant
Beauty pageants are no big deal. Wait until you see an “ugly” pageant of dogs! In the 13th World Ugly Dog Pageant, held in the US, an Italian hairless dog won the championship. In the eyes of its master and the judges, this dog is indeed ugly, but in a cute way.
The dog, named Victoria, was held in her master’s arms. This is probably the highest point in her life so far. She is hairless, and a little bit cross-eyed. This is, in fact, her second time in the pageant. But last year, she wasn’t ugly enough, defeated by a Chihuahua from China.
Harmless Scale: 七刀刀刀刀
Caution: Shit Before You Steal
In Ruifnag, a city one hour from Taipei, two thieves snuck some iron sticks from a construction site into the truck of their car. It was early in the morning, but were caught not long after the crime. One of them had the urge to empty his bowel, so they had to pull over. And the other one was so tired that he fell asleep in the car. When a couple of cops passed by in a police’s patrol car, they stopped to examine the suspicious car and caught them right on the spot.
What's the lesson here? Have your bowel movement before you steal.
Harmless Scale: 七刀刀刀刀刀
1.2 Million for An Egg
People in Nottingham, England, spent £1.2 million in order to help “one” golden-eyed bird lay its eggs on a reserved area for highway.
The city had already outsourced the highway construction project when they found out that a golden-eyed bird also had its project—to lay eggs in a nest previously built. Golden-eyed birds are on the list of protected animals in England, so no one dares to touch them. The city had to increase its budget, having the contractor wait for another seven months and start the construction after the baby birds are all grown up.
Tree-huggers probably don't care about hugging money.
Harmless Scale: 七刀刀刀
http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080313/1/v8mz.html Hunger Virgin
A five-year-old boy in UK was born unable to know how it feels like to be hungry. His parents were so worried that they brought him to see doctors everywhere. Finally, with the help of his county, he came to Austria and learned how to be hungry. Before, he could only be fed involuntarily with a catheter and he always puked after being fed. After being treated in Austria, he finally knows how it feels like to be hungry and has his first meal with his own mouth.
Harmless Scale: 七刀刀刀
Thanks for watching. Have a great week, and I'll see you next week!
2 則留言:
吉娃娃居然贏了!? 不知道吉娃娃的內心戲是該笑還是該哭???