大家好,好久不見了。現在人在舊金山偷閒。剛好遇到一年一度的舊金山同志大遊行gay pride parade,孤陋寡聞的我還要靠朋友提醒才知道,不過總算是被我遇到了!早上開開心心地出門到舊金山市區裡大開眼界!
Greetings! It's been a while! I am now chilling in San Francisco. It happens to be the annual SF Gay Pride Parade today! Thanks to a friend of mine who called me about this before I almost missed it! I left for downtown SF in the morning, prepared for an eye-opening experience!
估狗大神也是贊助商之一。 One of the sponsors, Google
現場當然很多媒體。 This is, of course, covered by a lot of media.
Some were really cute! Too bad they were gay!! Damn it!!!!